
What do people think?

What do people think?

Sometimes, before deciding on the hairstyle you want, you have to make a hard choice between “I want it” and “What will people say?”.

Each of us wants to be in an environment of approval, because it’s nice to be in an atmosphere of “support”.

Your appearance is entirely your business.

If you dream of a new hairstyle, the opinion of others should not stop you.

If you have chosen a hairstyle and this is your first change in your usual look, it can be difficult to adapt and get used to your new self, and that is-attention of people from the outside, the weight of the hairstyle, length and volume. This period usually lasts 3-5 days.

What advice we can give for those who have tried a new hairstyle:

✅ Give yourself time to get used to it.

✅ Pay less attention to the opinions of others.

✅ Concentrate on yourself and how you feel.

✅ If you know someone who has also tried new hairstyles, you can talk to them about your experiences with the makeover or email us at ☺️.

And what you definitely shouldn’t do:

❌ Braiding on the first day.

❌ Listen to and take the negativity around you about your new look to heart.

When changing your appearance, it is worth realizing that some part of people will always judge the other person’s choice. These people are sure that their opinion is the only right one and will never be able to understand your inner world.

Listen to yourself and your desires 🌿

And if you are in doubt about the choice of hairstyle, you can always write to us. Together we will choose for you an option that will please you the whole period of wearing🔥.

Owner Daddy Dreads Studio

Danila Deriabin

For over 11 years I have been dedicated to the art of dreadlocks braiding and teaching new masters. My studio is the place where stunning dreadlocks are created from natural and synthetic hair.

Daddy Dreads — we create art that you wear.

Danila Deriabin